Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Who won???

Miss Talent-One of the most important sub-title as it is directly linked to a Miss World fat track  left us with a big question mark.We have two pics, and the CBI is at work  coming up with their theories and conclusion.Here's the report.
1.Yoshiki is getting sashed and  Deepti is standing at the back.a) Yoshiki won and got the crown and Deepti due to a closed called was announced as runner up later, b) Deepti is the winnet and Yoshiki was crowned first as runner up..
2.Deepti is given a prize and stuff but has no sash.Yoshiki has no picture up.
3.Yoshiki is a singer and Deepti a dancer, If Asha Bhonsle and Helen  were to face off, who would win?
Our experts have declared Yoshiki Sindhar as the winner, for now........

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