Gail pales down in comparison to most humans but she is apparently representing "us" at some contest called miss United nations dt confuse it with the UN coz they dt give a fuck abt girls like Gail or a pageant. The pageant is self contradictory in its name , a bunch of United nations compete against each other?what,to separate?for a crown and a prize of less than $10k m sure.....?like hell it is,so back to male sorry Gail she apparently got the best national costume wearing what seems like a large costume bt in fact it's Yukta Mookhey son's Legos . yes the block game kids build so dat they can destroy when it's tall enough,kinda like this United nations pageant getting a bunch of United countries compete against each other and destroy each other,brilliant. Probably made by the same losers whoz definition of a costume is big,loud and gaudy like she wore at Femina,her costume is anything bt representing us......maybe it's a metaphor that indians dt give a fuck abt dat pageant or her . Bye Gai.