Monday, March 31, 2014

Gabriela Isler arrested?

NO....she has not been arrested.We are looking into several complaints from overseas sources, if you proven guilty, she will be charged for un-queenly conduct if selecting mediocre girls for next year's miss universe.Given the fact that a consecutive win is almost next to impossible at this point and the stunner known as Migbelis being her successor,we highly doubt these accusations, but we the pageant police squad are at your service 14/7 a week or depending on our mood so we are looking into it.WATCH THIS SPACE!

Koyal Rana.......come vit us!!!

Booked under section 214 of the pageant law (compiled in 1822 by Osmel Sousa) We are sad to inform you that Koyal Rana has been arrested for repeated unpunctuality which has caused many girls to comolaint to officials and of course, us!! She will hav access to lawyer and has the right to speak if she wants to declare her innocence.NOTE-An arrest doesnt necessary mean guilty, it is mandatory for action to be taken after 10 complaints.
Further update will soon be released but Koyal being there for the 5th april finale seems unlikely.......We do love her smile and composure even while struggling to be released but we take all complaints made to us very seriously so until proven otherwise, we assume her guilty.
Bailed has been set for rs.5000 as it was a repeated offence.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Savdhaan People!!!!!

The pageant police is bachke rehna,thore pagal,thore corrupted,thore imandar,thore,thore ,thore karke sab ki band bajaani hai......look out as people in pageant(not just contestants)are arrested,tested,put on trial,sent to court,JAILED!!!!

DISCLAIMER-Content published are more or less fictional, derived from funny anecdotes received from sources. ....and not be taken seriously.